
Industrious Provine
The least natural (most mechanized) of the three Provines that make up Skae, named so for the Garuda's appreciation of labor and preoccupation. Most of the production and commerce occurs here; things are made and bought within a block of each other, and there is an airship dock for the sale of exports.
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Calm Provine
The second-most natural of the three Provine in Skae, named so for the Garuda's appreciation of peace and easy living. The Calm Provine makes up most of the 'luxurious' aspects of Skae, including Skae's housing, fine dining, and entertainment. The Provine is known for its use of water and plant life as minimalist decoration, and even those ornaments have secondary productive purposes, like energy regulation and air purification.
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Memoriam Provine
The most natural of the three districts in Skae, named so in remembrance of past suffering and the lives lost in in and before the Battle of the First Age. The gates to Skae open into the Memoriam Provine, which is not much more than a forested park covered in floating stones (native to the islands) inscribed with the names of the lost. Those that first come to Skae are made very aware of the loss that the islands stand for and the people that are testament to them.
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The capital city of Avalice-Skae is known as Avalencia, and is home to an almost entirely Garuda population of peaceful craftsmen. The city is kept in a cyclical state of balance between industrialism and environmentalism, with machines that preserve clean air and plant life that power the machines.
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